CEEE has always strived to give a chance to undergraduate students in order to encourage them participate to the on-going projects. Burak Sakallıoğlu, Dila Altay, Doğukan Albay, Neslişah Doğan, Ozan Keleş, Sena Özgürcan, Şevval Sare Güldüren, Tugay Çetinkaya and Tuğba Gürsoy were among these students who helped CEEE researchers in many ways.


After 2018-2019, CEEE has actively contributed to two new student clubs. The Interdisciplinary Thought Club led by Furkan Yılmaz, Seda Kurt, from the Faculty of Architecture, and Oğuzalp Erkovan, Industrial Engineering students have organized several activities since then. The photographs below show those activities. The posters of some of these events are also
shown below.